eCube – kostenloser elektrotechnischer Produktkatalog

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Isolation transformer and filtering component ODT 50-1500VA serve as:
- Accessories for oscilloscopes to measure different voltage potentials (partly can replace active probes).
- Accessories for laboratory power supplies and other devices.
- For production plants where it is necessary to secure and separate the final appliance from the mains.
- Safety potential isolator for laboratories.
- Soft power supply for testing and debugging electrical devices.
- Isolation and filtering transformer for HiFi audio arrangement to suppress unwanted external effects and noises.
- Devices above 250 VA has 2 output outlets.
- Overcurrent and overvoltage protection.
- Accessible outputs from 50 VA to 1500 VA.

- Input and output safety grounds are accessible to measure decoupling currents.
- Possibility to central grounding connected appliances.
- Independent protection for input and output by fuses. Standardized EURO connector for simple connection.
- Filtering elements to suppress noises and distortions in both ways.
- Substantial metal frame with passive heat dissipation and compact dimensions.
- Integrated switch for simple turn on and off with signalization.
- Customized color and OEM design.
- Two types of output outlets rotated to aside for comfort manipulation and cable management (or SCHUKO outlet).

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