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Unipi RLW-THC IAQ sensor is designed for measuring indoor air quality in office buildings, schools, factory halls and other similar objects. Sensor can be used to measure temperature, relative air humidity, barometric pressure, carbon dioxide concentration, volatile organic compound concentration and ambient light intensity. Broad connectivity is provided by the support of communication via RS485, Wi-Fi and LoRaWAN wireless technology.
Main features

- measuring of up to six parameters (temperature, humidity, CO2 concentration, VOC
concentration, barometric pressure and ambient light intensity),
- compact size, easy on-wall installation,
- simple connection, start-up and configuration via Wi-Fi,
- broad connectivity (RS485, Wi-Fi, LoRaWAN),
- support of various communication protocols (Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU, MQTT, REST),
- web interface for measured data visualisation and device configuration,
- data are relayed to monitoring and regulation systems,
- a multi-coloured LED for indication of air quality and device status.

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