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V nabídce 2 produkty, vyhovující filtru
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AIRDOS04 - Airborne cosmic radiation dosimeter Universal Scientific Technologies s.r.o. AIRDOS is an airborne cosmic radiation dosimeter and spectrometer unit. It is intended for long-term measurement of cosmic radiation and dosimetry in mixed ionizing radiation fields on board aircraft. The instrument is designed primarily for the dosimetry of cabin crew and flight attendants of commercial flights. Thanks to its design of detachable data storage and power source from accumulators, the required maintenance time is minimal. The calibrated AIRDOS04 detector can be placed on-board continuously and it is only necessary to replace the accumulator/storage module. Více
TFSLOT01: Clogging-free airspeed sensor ThunderFly s.r.o. TFSLOT sensor is an airspeed sensor designed to be used on UAVs to measure IAS. It has improved low-speed resolution compared to traditional pitot tubes and it is also resistant to clogging due to the absence of a stagnation point. Due to the 3D printed case, it is possible to optimize the characteristics according to the location of the sensor on the UAV and specific application requirements on measuring range. Více
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